Etiket: English


The estimated age of the universe is approximately 13.8 billion years, Earth is about 4.54 billion years old, and it’s believed that the human race has been around for approximately 200,000 years. It’s worth noting that during Earth’s 4.5 billion-year journey, there have been five catastrophic events that completely wiped out life on our planet. […]

Python Selenium Tips

Hello everyone, I’m Ceyhun. Today i will share some tips regarding preparing and using Selenium scripts with Python. -Use page object model, its very important to start your project with it.. Make some demo project or start with basic writing and show difference to your team. -Use unittest module or something similar to organize your […]

Cleaning TMP Folder for Jenkins

I’m using jenkins with alot of plugins, also running my selenium cases on same machine so as you guess we have very big tmp folder after each day. Do fix this issue, i added a cron job, used root access since some files requires it before deleting. Its not safe and i suggest using another […]

Graphite Installation Problems

I spent some time to install graphite then decided to not use it since it requires more effort and i have to reinstall again to another machine. Here some notes in case you face some problems: Carefull to uncomment your settings file’s required field, most importantly db side. There is no file anymore so […]

Jenkins Python Selenium Installation

Hello everyone i was facing some problems so i had to setup my jenkins server again so here are steps “after” jenkins installation, you can check it below, first install git. apt-get install git Setup your git repo and settings in project page. You should not see any error message when you add credentials. Git […]

Python Selenium Text Check

Hi, Below code may help you to check source with input text:     def is_text_present(self, text):         if str(text) in self.driver.page_source:             print “Found this text %s” % text         else:             Exception()           […]

Firefox 47 Linux Downgrade

We faced some problems between firefox 47 and selenium thats why we decided to downgrade to version 46 on our development and jenkins platforms.  Here simple guide for downgrading it. Sadly ubuntu only support latest version of package (version 47) and version 28 so we will do it manually. Remove existing one but don’t delete […]

Django MySQL Collation Problem

I was having issues with my Django system after i used some default settings to solve them i used this scrip, it updates charset and collate: #! /usr/bin/env python import MySQLdb host = “localhost” passwd = “urpassword” user = “urdbuser” dbname = “urdbname” db = MySQLdb.connect(host=host, user=user, passwd=passwd, db=dbname) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(“ALTER DATABASE `%s` […]